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Bees are dying at an alarming rate. Not only is our goal to help endangered species survive, but bees are necessary for the growth of many crops, providing us with the food we need to survive.


Save the Bees

Everyday millions of people are illegally sold and trafficked. We want to stop this. Join our cause and let us stop this horrible injustice!

Human Rights

Eliminate Human Trafficking

Our oceans are filled with plastic, and many sea animals suffer everyday. If we stop using something simple like plastic straws, we can make a difference!


Eliminating Plastic Straws

Over the past century humanity has been damaging our planet. We need to ensure that we preserve this earth for our future generations by following out environmentally friendly practices!


Save our Planet

Sexual education is crucial during the development of children. We need to ensure that kids grow up understanding these important facts about their bodies so that they can develop into well adjusted adults.


Sexual Education

Student debt is a large problem in our society. Education is something anyone should be able to access! Join our movement today!


Free Education

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